to educate, encourage, and promote the advancement of play therapy professionals
2025 Annual MO APT Conference
June 6, 2025 - 09:00am to 4:00pm
June 7, 2025 - 09:00am to 4:00pm
Stoney Creek Hotel (Click Here to Book)
18011 Bass Pro Drive, Independence, MO 64055 (Click for Directions)
The first 20 guests who book a room before April 26, 2025 using the code "MAPT2025" will get a discounted rate of $130/night!
Day 1 Courses
June 6, 2025 - Liana Lowenstein, MSW, RSW, CPT-S
Creative Play Therapy Interventions to Engage, Assess, and Treat Children, Youth, and Families
Day 2 Courses
June 7, 2025 - Liana Lowenstein, MSW, RSW, CPT-S
Creative Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy (CBPT) Interventions for Children with Anxiety
Meet the Presenter
Liana Lowenstein, MSW, RSW, CPT-S
Liana Lowenstein is a Registered Social Worker, Certified Play Therapist-Supervisor, and Certified TF-CBT Therapist who has been working with children and their families in Toronto since 1988. Her 14 books are used by mental health professionals all over the world. She is a dynamic speaker who has provided trainings throughout North America and abroad, including China, South Africa, Israel, England, New Zealand, Australia, and Slovenia. She is winner of the Monica Herbert award for outstanding contribution to play therapy in Canada.
Request to Exhibit
To have an exhibit for participants to buy/order or demonstrate your products, please contact us:
Donate for the Silent Auction
To donate items for our silent auction and door prizes, please reach out to us to get connected to Amber Schilb. We will recognize donors like you as contributors at our event, making the donation of items a great opportunity to advertise your business. Additionally, you will be provided with a tax donation letter! Thank you for supporting MAPT and the professionals involved in this organization!
Donations or Silent Auction Items can also be sent directly to:
Amber Schilb
5556 N. Ricky Fork Dr.
Columbia, MO 65202
Other Important Information:
Refund Policy: Refunds will be given for paid continuing education training cancelled by MAPT and for when MAPT relocated trainings to another region of the state. For attendees who cancel 48 hours prior to the start of the training, a MAPT credit will be provided to attendees for the amount paid and can be used at a future MAPT training.
Conference Pricing (per day):
Member: $205
Non-Member: $230
Student: $90 (requires transcript)
Early Bird Pricing (per day):
Member: $140
Non-Member: $160
Early-Bird Pricing will expire on: [TBD]
Description & Objectives
Creative Play Therapy Interventions to Engage, Assess, and Treat Children, Youth, and Families
This very practical training will be divided into three components: (1) Engagement: A number of creative play therapy interventions will be illustrated to facilitate rapport-building with children, teens, and families; (2) Assessment: The instructor’s innovative play-based assessment model will be presented, and participants will receive a packet of assessment activities that they can use immediately in their clinical practice; (3) Treatment: A variety of creative play therapy techniques will be highlighted including games, stories, puppets, and art. Participants will come away with many new and creative play therapy techniques to add to their existing repertoire. Videos of client sessions will illustrate techniques, and experiential activities will augment the learning process.
Learning Objectives:
1) Use at least 3 interventions to engage clients in play therapy.
2) Implement an innovative play-based model for assessing children and families.
3) List the steps for developing a treatment plan.
4)Describe key guidelines for selecting activities.
5) Use many creative play therapy techniques with children and teens.
6) Implement at least 3 interventions for use in family play therapy.
Creative Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy (CBPT) Interventions for Children with Anxiety
Anxiety disorders represent one of the most prevalent forms of psychopathology among children. As such, many children are referred to therapy to help them cope with anxiety symptoms. The most efficacious treatment for childhood anxiety in the research is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The effectiveness of this approach is enhanced by integrating playful, developmentally appropriate interventions so that children will engage in treatment and learn key skills to manage anxiety. Children who might otherwise be resistant in therapy are more likely to participate in playful activities designed to cover the CBT components.
In this workshop, a brief overview of CBT will be presented, along with innovative play therapy techniques to assess and treat children with anxiety. Interventions will address the core treatment components: psychoeducation, somatic management, cognitive restructuring, exposure, and relapse prevention. Therapeutic games, art, stories, and other engaging activities will be presented for use with children aged 6-12.
Through case examples, activity demonstrations, experiential exercises, and videos of actual client sessions, this workshop will combine theoretical material with hands-on therapeutic inter
Although the focus of this workshop will be on treating children with anxiety, many of the interventions can be adapted for use with other treatment populations.
Learning Objectives:
1) Describe the special challenges of utilizing CBT with children.
2) Discuss the benefits of integrating playful approaches in CBT treatment with children.
3) Use at least two interventions to assess anxiety in children.
4) Describe methods for fostering treatment readiness in anxious children.
5) Implement at least five new play therapy interventions to treat anxiety in children.
6) List the steps of implementing an exposure plan to help children manage anxiety.